For my dreamscape series I photograph and digitally deconstruct abandoned or declining architecture and reimagine the artifacts in more spacious, dream-inspired landscapes that speak of the human connection to lost places. These neglected places—once vibrant and inhabited sites of human activity—can now exist in spectacular worlds, balancing precariously but still grounded…if only on the edge of reality. I am particularly fascinated by our relationship to these lost or liminal spaces. Who inhabited them? Strangers? Family members? Our past selves? Do these reimagined or vanished places still hold the memories or the energy of the lives once lived within them? My work speaks of emotional connections to places that no longer exist. Recontextualized in more expansive landscapes, these new forms of architecture create space for personal reminiscence and for contemplation on the ways in which time alters our relationship with both past places and our own past selves. Through these pieces I invite the viewer to look more closely at the many layers of the human spaces we now occupy and those we can only remember or dream of, and to see within them a world of new possibilities.
If you would like to know more about my process, watch this video!